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Showing posts from January, 2018

Computer Architecture lec-3 Computer System Organization

Hi, today we'll going to learn about  computer system organization & Processors so, are you ready for will be. Computer System Organization A digital computer consists of an interconnected system of processors,  memories, and (I/O) input/output devices, This lecture is an introduction to these three  components and to their interconnection, as background for the detailed examination  of specific levels in the five succeeding lectures. Processors, memories, and (I/O)  input/output are key concepts and will be present at every level, so we'll start  our study of computer architecture by looking at all three in turn. Processors The organization of a simple bus-oriented computer is shown in Picture below. The  CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the ‘‘brain’’ of the computer. Its function is to  execute programs stored in the main memory by fetching their instructions, examining  them, and then executing them on...

HTML - CSS "Creating A Web Page"

Hi, today we'll learn about how to create a web page so let's begin, you have to follow my  each and every point. Creating a Web Page On Your PC To create your first web page on  a PC, start up Notepad. You can  find this by going to: 1-Start 2-All Programs (or Programs) 3-Accessories 4-Notepad You might also like to download  a free editor called Notepad++ . Type the code shown on the right Go to the File menu and select  Save as ... You will need to save  the file somewhere you can  remember. If you like, you could  create a folder.  Save this file as first-test. html Make sure that the Save  as type drop down has All Files   selected.  Start your web browser. Go to  the File menu and select Open .  Browse to the file that you just  created, select it and click on the   Open button. The result should  look something like the screen  shot below. If it doesn't look like t...

Software Engineering lec-2 About Software Engineering!

Hi, today we'll going to learn about Software requirements, specifications, applications and lots of more let's start with software engineering definition. Software Engineering -Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of   software production form the early stages of system specification through to maintaining   the system after it has gone into use. -The economies of all developed nations are dependent on software. -More and more systems are software controlled software engineering is concerned with   theories, methods and tools for professional software development. -Expenditure on software represents a significant fraction of GNP in all developed countries. - Engineering discipline:  Using appropriate theories and methods to solve problems bearing in mind organizational   and financial constraints. - All aspects of software productions:  Not just technical process of developmen...

HTML - CSS lec-5 Structures (Elements and attributes)

Hi, today we'll learn about the elements and attributes used in HTML 5 so lets start from Elements: HTML uses Elements to describe the Structure of pages, lets look closer at the code from the last lecture, there are several different Elements. each Element has opening tag and a closing tag. Tags  tags act like containers. they tell you something about the information between their opening and closing tags. *The opening <html> tag indicates that anything between it and a closing </html> tag is HTML code. The <body> tag indicates that anything between it and the closing </body> tag should be shown inside the main browser window. Words between <h1> and </h1> are a main heading. A paragraph of text appears between these <p> and </p> tags. Words between <h2> and </h2> form a sub-heading. Here is another paragraph between opening <p> and closing </p> tags. Another sub-heading inside <h2...

Numerical Analysis lec-3 False Position Method

Hi, today we'll going to learn the second method of numerical analysis the False Position Method out of 40 methods FALSE POSITION METHOD False Position Method is an alternative method and is more efficient then bisection method, it is the oldest method for finding the real root of an equation F( X ) = 0 and is similar to the bisection method. Consider the equation F( X ) = 0 let [ X0 , X1 ] be two different values of X such that  F( X0 ) - F( X1 ) < 0. OR A simple modification of a secant method produces a method which is usually converges. the new method is called regula falsi (False Position) and also Linear interpolation . it needs two initial approximations X0 and X1 so that F( X0 ) F( X1 ) < 0 i.e the two functions must have the opposite signs. The Modified False Position Method In this method the F( X ) value of a stagnant end point is halved if that point has repeated twice or more. the end point that repeats its called a stagnant point, the excepti...

Computer Architecture lec-2 Milestone in Computer Architecture

Hi, today we'll learn about some very important topics of Computer including History (its a long article because i have written full history of computer you should have to know why computer was created). Milestone In Computer Architecture Hundreds of different kinds of computers have been designed and built during  the evolution of the modern digital computer, Most have been long forgotten but  a few have had a significant impact on modern ideas,  Needless to say this article  only touches on the highlights and leaves many stones unturned,  Slater (1987) is a  good place to look for additional historical material on the people who founded  the computer age, For short biographies and beautiful color photographs by Louis  Fabian Bachrach of some of the key people who founded the computer age see  Morgan’s coffee-table book (1997). "The First Generation Vacuum Tubes"  (1945–1955) The stimulus for the electronic computer  ...

DBA - Oracle Fundamental lec-2 Basic concept of Database

Hi, today we'll clear our concept about database, what is it and how it works. Database: - A computerized system which is capable to store or manipulate data. - A system which provides to manage and convert the data into the information, normalized the data into sequence. - Keeps the data consistent and secure from the unauthorized access of the data, provides privileges for administrator and user.  there are so many applications and frameworks being used globally. Ex:  1- Oracle apps 2- Mysql database 3- Ms access  4- SAP 5- People Soft and so on.... But Oracle is the one of most powerful and strong databases......... WHY? Languages Support many procedural and object oriented/ based languages support the Oracle Database in its performance and designing. - PL/SQL - SQL - JAVA Instance It is a system which contains the memory as well as processes of manipulation. Memory It is a part of the system which holds the data or information. Process ...

Computer Architecture lec-1 Introduction

Hi, today we are starting a very important subject of CS the (Computer Architecture) in this subject we'll going to know about: * Structured Computer Organization * Milestone in Computer Architecture * Computer System Organization * Processors  * Primary Memory, Secondary Memory  * The Digital logic Level * The Micro Architecture Level  * The Instruction  Set  Architecture Level * The Operating System Machine Level * The Assembly Language Level * Parallel Computer Architectures * Reading List And  Bibliography And many more advanced topics of Computer Architecture. Structured Computer Organization A digital computer is an electronic machine that can solve problems for people by carrying out instructions given to it. a sequence of instructions describing how to perform  a certain task is called a program. the electronic circuits of each computer  can recognize and directly execute a limited set of simple instructio...