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Numerical Analysis lec-4 Newton Raphson method

Hi, Today we'll learn about  Newton-Raphson Method  " Newton's Method ". this method is for finding successively better approximate solutions to the roots of a function (real valued). so are you ready for will. Newton's Method: The Newton's method is one of the most powerful and well known method used for finding a root of f(X) = 0 there are many ways to derive Newton-Raphson method . the simplest way to derive this formula is by using the first two terms in the Taylor series expansion of the form.  Instead of working with the chord joining points on the graph of y= f(X) as in bisection method and false position method s. Newton's method uses the tangent at one point on the graph of y= f(X) therefor it requires only one instead of two initial guesses. Suppose X is an initial guesses draw the tangent line at X= X0 and procedure it to meet the X - axis at X = X1 Newton's Method which shows in picture above. now from righ...
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HTML - CSS lec-6 "TEXT"

Hi, today we'r going to learn about TEXT  "Headings and paragraphs  Bold, italic, emphasis  Structural and semantic markup". do you will. HEADINGS -Structural markup: the elements that you can use to  describe both headings and paragraphs -Semantic markup: which provides extra information; such  as where emphasis is placed in a sentence, that something  you have written is a quotation (and who said it), the  meaning of acronyms, and so on write this code b/w <body> to </body> When creating a web page, you add tags  (known as markup) to the contents of the  page. These tags provide extra meaning  and allow browsers to show users the  appropriate structure for the page. HTML has six "levels" of  headings: <h1> is used for main headings <h2> is used for subheadings  If there are further sections  under the subheadings then the <h3> element is used, ...

Computer Architecture lec-3 Computer System Organization

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HTML - CSS "Creating A Web Page"

Hi, today we'll learn about how to create a web page so let's begin, you have to follow my  each and every point. Creating a Web Page On Your PC To create your first web page on  a PC, start up Notepad. You can  find this by going to: 1-Start 2-All Programs (or Programs) 3-Accessories 4-Notepad You might also like to download  a free editor called Notepad++ . Type the code shown on the right Go to the File menu and select  Save as ... You will need to save  the file somewhere you can  remember. If you like, you could  create a folder.  Save this file as first-test. html Make sure that the Save  as type drop down has All Files   selected.  Start your web browser. Go to  the File menu and select Open .  Browse to the file that you just  created, select it and click on the   Open button. The result should  look something like the screen  shot below. If it doesn't look like t...

Software Engineering lec-2 About Software Engineering!

Hi, today we'll going to learn about Software requirements, specifications, applications and lots of more let's start with software engineering definition. Software Engineering -Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of   software production form the early stages of system specification through to maintaining   the system after it has gone into use. -The economies of all developed nations are dependent on software. -More and more systems are software controlled software engineering is concerned with   theories, methods and tools for professional software development. -Expenditure on software represents a significant fraction of GNP in all developed countries. - Engineering discipline:  Using appropriate theories and methods to solve problems bearing in mind organizational   and financial constraints. - All aspects of software productions:  Not just technical process of developmen...

HTML - CSS lec-5 Structures (Elements and attributes)

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